Who We Are

Spark Phyzio was created with one goal in mind: To bridge the gap between injury and activity for athletes and the active population

Our Mission

Anyone who has had traditional, cookie cutter physical therapy knows the drill. Ten minutes with your physical therapist before you’re passed on to an aide. No individualization, no direct care by your physical therapist.

At Spark Phyzio, we’re looking to change the way physical therapy is viewed. All of our providers are doctors of physical therapy and they are the ones delivering the care. All of it, always.

We also take a fitness and movement based approach to care. No longer will you be treated the same way as everyone else based on a diagnosis. Our doctors of physical therapy design programs that are specific to each person and do so with your end goal in mind.

No more band-aids. No more treating symptoms. We’ll get down to the root cause of your issue and help you find a roadmap that allows you to perform and live to the best of your abilities. We’ll help you maximize your potential for sport, life, and beyond!

We accept most private insurances

Stop Accepting Below Average Care

Get the Treatment YOU Deserve